CLC Genomics Workbench是一个功能强大的解决方案,适合任何物种、任何平台、任何工作流程的NGS数据分析!用于分析,比较和可视化下一代测序数据,具有直观和用户友好界面的跨平台桌面应用程序,融合了最先进的技术和算法。包括基因组学,转录组学和表观基因组学的众多功能,支持所有主要的下一代测序平台,使用QIAGEN CLC Genomics Workbench 24扩展您的研究,现在具有Sanger测序工作流程,性能增强,长读RNA测序分析,单元型调用者*和HID面板支持*的功能。提供一整套包括微生物和宏基因组学,单细胞分析或小基因组处理的功能,欢迎有需要的朋友不要错过了!

1、使用Cloud插件从Illumina BaseSpace或Amazon S3中导入数据。
这个工具箱形成了CLC Genomics工作台的核心。工具箱菜单下有各种各样的工具,重点关注NGS数据分析。大多数工具都提供了可以配置的选项,因此您可以调整分析以满足您的目的。
所有参考资料要么直接从公共资源下载,如Ensembl,或由我们在QIAGEN Digital Insights策划,以完全符合我们的随时可用的工作流程的需求。
对于跨示例分析,您现在可以在单个工作流中批处理和聚合。只需将批处理部分包含在“Iterate”和“Collect and Distribute”元素之间。
6、管理员身份运行程序,勾选important a license from a file选项
10、如图所示,点击“从文件安装”,选择插件文件夹中的 .cpa文件
CLC Genomics Workbench Premium 23.0.2
发布日期: 2023-02-13
修复了当数据集很大或检测到具有许多可能转录本的融合基因时,可能导致在 Windows 上检测和优化融合基因失败的问题。
修复了导出过滤的空注释轨道时可能导致 VCF 导出失败的问题。
修复了导致 Design Primers 表格中的片段长度不正确的问题。打开表格时会重新计算这些值,因此不需要重复以前的设计。
修复了导致 QIAseq xHYB 病毒面板参考数据集在 Windows 上下载失败的问题。
Fixed a rare issue where Rebuild Index could not repair a corrupt search index.
Various minor bug fixes
齐根CLC基因组学工作台 23.0.1
发布日期: 2023-01-17
Fixed an issue affecting Trim Reads, where the wrong part of a read was retained if the read was both trimmed to a fixed length and also trimmed by another method from the opposite end of the read.
Fixed an issue affecting Trim Reads when both adapter trimming using a trim adapter list and fixed length trimming were selected. This issue could cause the resulting trimmed reads to be shorter than expected.
Fixed an issue where fusion plots created by Detect and Refine Fusion Genes were omitted in the report and were not accessible via the fusion track table.
Fixed an issue where workflows containing a Branch on Coverage element would fail for read mappings with no zero coverage regions when using reports output by QC for Read Mapping.
Fixed an issue where dates indicated with forward slashes in CSV format files were not recognized as dates by Import Metadata.
Fixed an issue where the history entry in a sequence list after sorting always stated the sorting was based on length, even the sorting was based on name or marked status.
Fixed an issue causing Annotate with GFF/GTF/GVF file to fail when the option “Ignore duplicate annotation” was checked.
Fixed an issue causing Standard Import of GenBank format to stall if qualifier names spanned more than one line.
Various minor improvements
请参阅下面的 CLC 基因组学工作台 23.0 的发行说明,了解自此软件上一个常规版本以来更改的完整列表。
QIAGEN CLC 基因组学工作台 23.0
发布日期: 2023-01-17
Homology Based Cloning – Design cloning experiments for cloning methods relying on homologous ends, such as Gibson Assembly
Create K-medoids Clustering for RNA-Seq finds clusters of features, e.g., genes/transcripts/miRNAs etc, whose expressions behave similarly, for example first increasing over time and then decreasing. The tool produces a Clustering Collection which contains a Sankey plot showing how these features move between clusters under different conditions, for example different treatments. A line graph representation of features from individual clusters or pairs of clusters is present as well.
Detect and Refine Fusion Genes – Find fusion genes in RNA-Seq data by identifying potential fusions and then refining that list by evaluation of the evidence for each fusion. This is an updated version of the tool formerly distributed in the Biomedical Genomics Analysis plugin. The updates made are listed in an Improvements section below.
Target Region Coverage Analysis – Analyze and compare coverage from multiple samples. This tool was formerly distributed in the Biomedical Genomics Analysis plugin.
Create Consensus Sequences from Variants – Create consensus sequences from a variant track and a reference sequence. This tool was formerly distributed in the Biomedical Genomics Analysis plugin.
Annotate with GFF/GVF/GTF file – Add annotations from a GFF, GVF or GTF format file onto sequences, individual or in sequence lists. This tool was formerly distributed in the Annotate with GFF file plugin.
RNA-Seq 分析工具
New tutorial: Get hands-on experience with new RNA-Seq analysis functionality, including Create K-medoids Clustering for RNA-Seq (see New Tools above), with the RNA-Seq analysis with four tissues and six timepoints tutorial.
Improvements to RNA-Seq Analysis:
Substantial speed improvements. Reads that map to multiple transcripts or genes will be distributed differently than earlier due to different choices of random seed in the new implementation. The algorithm is still deterministic.
Transcripts are no longer renamed in Transcript Expression (TE) output unless renaming is necessary to avoid duplicate names. Previously, transcripts were renamed to the gene name plus a number e.g. “BRCA_1”. This change means that TE tracks in this version of the software cannot typically be used together with TE tracks generated using older versions to produce Heat Maps, PCA plots, Expression, etc.
Reports UMI fragment counts when relevant. UMI counts are included in the Fragment statistics section of the report if the input reads are annotated with UMIs by tools from the Biomedical Genomics Analysis plugin, and if the library type is set to 3′ sequencing for RNA-Seq Analysis.
Improvements to Heat Maps:
Samples can be ordered by the Tree, Sample, or Active metadata layer options, or any individual metadata entry.
Optimize tree layouts – a new option for reordering features to produce a top-left to bottom-right diagonal.
The order of the metadata categories can be adjusted. This order is reflected in the legend.
Metadata categories are alphabetically sorted.
The Expression Browser includes a new plot for visualizing genes across samples and contrasts and metadata categories are sorted alphabetically.
Venn diagrams support four and five groups. Previously up to 3 were supported. Tooltips indicate which groups are part of a specific intersection.
PCA plots produced by PCA for RNA-Seq:
Have two table views. The first table view shows the loadings of the principal components. The second table view shows the coordinates of the points.
The order of the metadata categories in 2D PCA plots can be adjusted. This order is reflected in the legend.
miRNA 分析工具
Quantify miRNA:
Handles custom databases containing duplicated names.
Does not allow custom databases containing sequences longer than 60bp. This avoids misallocation of reads to sequences that are similar to small RNAs.
When adding multiple inputs to Extract IsomiR Counts, the extracted expression tables contain an entry for the combined set of IsomiRs identified among the samples, making them compatible for analysis in Differential Expression in Two Groups and Differential Expression for RNA-Seq.
A new option for creating a subset has been added to the miRNA Statistical Comparison Table produced by Differential Expression for RNA-Seq and Differential Expression in Two Groups.
It is possible to downweigh outliers. This option is disabled by default and recommended only when the results seem enriched for genes that are expressed at anomalously high levels in a small proportion of samples.
The Max Group Means column of Statistical Comparison Tracks and Tables now shows TPM instead of RPKM. Note that this column is used for filtering data in tools such as Create Heat Map for RNA-Seq and the Pathway Analysis tool of the Ingenuity Pathway Analysis plugin.
发布日期: 2023-02-13
修复了当数据集很大或检测到具有许多可能转录本的融合基因时,可能导致在 Windows 上检测和优化融合基因失败的问题。
修复了导出过滤的空注释轨道时可能导致 VCF 导出失败的问题。
修复了导致 Design Primers 表格中的片段长度不正确的问题。打开表格时会重新计算这些值,因此不需要重复以前的设计。
修复了导致 QIAseq xHYB 病毒面板参考数据集在 Windows 上下载失败的问题。
Fixed a rare issue where Rebuild Index could not repair a corrupt search index.
Various minor bug fixes
齐根CLC基因组学工作台 23.0.1
发布日期: 2023-01-17
Fixed an issue affecting Trim Reads, where the wrong part of a read was retained if the read was both trimmed to a fixed length and also trimmed by another method from the opposite end of the read.
Fixed an issue affecting Trim Reads when both adapter trimming using a trim adapter list and fixed length trimming were selected. This issue could cause the resulting trimmed reads to be shorter than expected.
Fixed an issue where fusion plots created by Detect and Refine Fusion Genes were omitted in the report and were not accessible via the fusion track table.
Fixed an issue where workflows containing a Branch on Coverage element would fail for read mappings with no zero coverage regions when using reports output by QC for Read Mapping.
Fixed an issue where dates indicated with forward slashes in CSV format files were not recognized as dates by Import Metadata.
Fixed an issue where the history entry in a sequence list after sorting always stated the sorting was based on length, even the sorting was based on name or marked status.
Fixed an issue causing Annotate with GFF/GTF/GVF file to fail when the option “Ignore duplicate annotation” was checked.
Fixed an issue causing Standard Import of GenBank format to stall if qualifier names spanned more than one line.
Various minor improvements
请参阅下面的 CLC 基因组学工作台 23.0 的发行说明,了解自此软件上一个常规版本以来更改的完整列表。
QIAGEN CLC 基因组学工作台 23.0
发布日期: 2023-01-17
Homology Based Cloning – Design cloning experiments for cloning methods relying on homologous ends, such as Gibson Assembly

Create K-medoids Clustering for RNA-Seq finds clusters of features, e.g., genes/transcripts/miRNAs etc, whose expressions behave similarly, for example first increasing over time and then decreasing. The tool produces a Clustering Collection which contains a Sankey plot showing how these features move between clusters under different conditions, for example different treatments. A line graph representation of features from individual clusters or pairs of clusters is present as well.
Detect and Refine Fusion Genes – Find fusion genes in RNA-Seq data by identifying potential fusions and then refining that list by evaluation of the evidence for each fusion. This is an updated version of the tool formerly distributed in the Biomedical Genomics Analysis plugin. The updates made are listed in an Improvements section below.
Target Region Coverage Analysis – Analyze and compare coverage from multiple samples. This tool was formerly distributed in the Biomedical Genomics Analysis plugin.
Create Consensus Sequences from Variants – Create consensus sequences from a variant track and a reference sequence. This tool was formerly distributed in the Biomedical Genomics Analysis plugin.
Annotate with GFF/GVF/GTF file – Add annotations from a GFF, GVF or GTF format file onto sequences, individual or in sequence lists. This tool was formerly distributed in the Annotate with GFF file plugin.
RNA-Seq 分析工具
New tutorial: Get hands-on experience with new RNA-Seq analysis functionality, including Create K-medoids Clustering for RNA-Seq (see New Tools above), with the RNA-Seq analysis with four tissues and six timepoints tutorial.
Improvements to RNA-Seq Analysis:
Substantial speed improvements. Reads that map to multiple transcripts or genes will be distributed differently than earlier due to different choices of random seed in the new implementation. The algorithm is still deterministic.
Transcripts are no longer renamed in Transcript Expression (TE) output unless renaming is necessary to avoid duplicate names. Previously, transcripts were renamed to the gene name plus a number e.g. “BRCA_1”. This change means that TE tracks in this version of the software cannot typically be used together with TE tracks generated using older versions to produce Heat Maps, PCA plots, Expression, etc.
Reports UMI fragment counts when relevant. UMI counts are included in the Fragment statistics section of the report if the input reads are annotated with UMIs by tools from the Biomedical Genomics Analysis plugin, and if the library type is set to 3′ sequencing for RNA-Seq Analysis.
Improvements to Heat Maps:
Samples can be ordered by the Tree, Sample, or Active metadata layer options, or any individual metadata entry.
Optimize tree layouts – a new option for reordering features to produce a top-left to bottom-right diagonal.
The order of the metadata categories can be adjusted. This order is reflected in the legend.
Metadata categories are alphabetically sorted.
The Expression Browser includes a new plot for visualizing genes across samples and contrasts and metadata categories are sorted alphabetically.
Venn diagrams support four and five groups. Previously up to 3 were supported. Tooltips indicate which groups are part of a specific intersection.
PCA plots produced by PCA for RNA-Seq:
Have two table views. The first table view shows the loadings of the principal components. The second table view shows the coordinates of the points.
The order of the metadata categories in 2D PCA plots can be adjusted. This order is reflected in the legend.
miRNA 分析工具
Quantify miRNA:
Handles custom databases containing duplicated names.
Does not allow custom databases containing sequences longer than 60bp. This avoids misallocation of reads to sequences that are similar to small RNAs.
When adding multiple inputs to Extract IsomiR Counts, the extracted expression tables contain an entry for the combined set of IsomiRs identified among the samples, making them compatible for analysis in Differential Expression in Two Groups and Differential Expression for RNA-Seq.
A new option for creating a subset has been added to the miRNA Statistical Comparison Table produced by Differential Expression for RNA-Seq and Differential Expression in Two Groups.
It is possible to downweigh outliers. This option is disabled by default and recommended only when the results seem enriched for genes that are expressed at anomalously high levels in a small proportion of samples.
The Max Group Means column of Statistical Comparison Tracks and Tables now shows TPM instead of RPKM. Note that this column is used for filtering data in tools such as Create Heat Map for RNA-Seq and the Pathway Analysis tool of the Ingenuity Pathway Analysis plugin.
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