Xposed Installer(xposed框架)是一款可以在不修改APK的情况下影响程序运行(修改系统)的框架服务,基于它可以制作出许多功能强大的模块,且在功能不冲突的情况下同时运作。 当前,Per APP Setting(为每个应用设置单独的dpi或修改权限)、Cydia、XPrivacy(防止隐私泄露)、对原生Launcher替换图标等应用或功能均基于此框架。xposed框架由国外大神优化制作。MOD版为尘封修改直装无需刷机。

2017-01-30 Xposed Installer v3.1.5 + Framework v90-beta3
TIt seems that more and more people get nervous about whether (and when) there will be Xposed for Nougat or not, so I felt I should say something.
Why does it take that long? Because with every release, I try to ensure that Xposed integrates nicely with the improvements in the new ART version. The step from Lollipop to Marshmallow wasn’t huge. It was an evolution, some things even made it possible to integrate Xposed in a more elegant way. On the whole, it was mainly careful porting than rather innovating.
With Nougat, something fundamental has changed. If you’re using Nougat already, you’ll have noticed that installations are much faster now. That’s because APKs aren’t compiled immediately (AOT), but start in (slower) interpreting mode. Sounds bad, but they have enabled JIT, which will quickly compile those methods that are used very often. That will restore the well-known and constantly improving performance of native code. Besides that, ART keeps a list of these frequently used methods (“profiling”). When the device is idle, it finally does the AOT compilation, but based on the profiling data. After that, you get the great performance right after starting the app. JIT is still waiting in case the usage patterns change, and I think it will also adjust the profile and improve the AOT compilation.
There’s a new Xposed Installer v3.15 available in the first post now. It fixes two crashes and provides two new features:
Fixed a crash in download list search on Oreo.
Fixed a crash when sending log on Oreo.
“Optimize apps now” menu item, will trigger “cmd package bg-dexopt-job”. It’s available since Oreo and will start the job that usually runs once per night if the device is charging. If you feel degraded performance after installing Xposed, it might be because all apps are running purely on JIT and interpreter. That’s because Xposed needs additional information to identify methods it has to invalidate, and that information will be determined during the next compilation. If you want that to happen now, use this new feature. For more background, see https://source.android.com/devices/t…k/jit-compiler.
Detection if Verified Boot (dm-verity) is active. If yes, any changes to the system partition will be detected and you’ll end up in a boot loop. The detection might not be 100% perfect yet, so if you notice false positives or negatives, please report a bug along with the output of “adb shell getprop”..
Downloads are available as usual.
If you need to uninstall, please use xposed-uninstaller-20180108-*.zip which cleans up some additional files. Otherwise, you’ll probably end up in a bootloop.
I’m also publishing v90-beta2 and uninstaller 20180117
They support (un)installing Xposed via TWRP on Pixel and probably other “system root image” devices (where the system partition is mounted the root directory and /system is just a subdirectory). Also, the previous uninstaller had a typo, which probably led to boot loops on all devices. Please always use the latest uninstaller!
2017-01-08 v90 Beta
2017-12-17 v89 Final
2017-12-17 v89 Final
2017-10-30 v88.2 Final
修复了一些三星ROM无限重启问题,特别是Galaxy Note 8
修复了一加 OnePlus 设备充电100%时的崩溃问题(应该没太多人反馈)
2017-10-30 v88.2 Final
修复了一些三星ROM无限重启问题,特别是Galaxy Note 8
修复了一加 OnePlus 设备充电100%时的崩溃问题(应该没太多人反馈)
全面支持三星 Galaxy S8/S8+/Note 8(Android 7.0)官方ROM
Another update, version v88.2. It contains more fixes for incompatibilities with certain ROMs:
Fixed a bootloop on some Samsung ROMs, expecially Note 8
Fixed a crash on OnePlus devices when 100% charged (hopefully, didn’t get much feedback)
More MIUI compatibility. There’s still an open issue though, try disabling resource hooks in the installer if you still get bootloops.
Try to detect outdated (and therefore incompatible) Xposed Installer.
Files are available for Lollipop and Marshmallow as well, hoping that they add MIUI support there as well.
I’ve seen many reports that Xposed is installed, but not active. One of the reasons (on Nougat) could be that an old Xposed Installer is used. You really have to update Xposed Installer! Another reason was that the /data/user_de/0/de.robv.android.xposed.installer directory doesn’t exist, which could be caused by installation on external storage. As this path is hardcoded across various places, only installation on internal storage will work.
The new Xposed Installer 3.1.3 (download in first post) checks for these situations and shows a warning with more steps to check. It also contains a new way for Xposed Framework ZIPs to specify that they need certain features in the installer (like using the new directory introduced in Nougat), to better prevent situations with outdated installers in the future.
Please update the installer as well!
安卓最强神器Xposed Installer已更新至v3.1.2,现在原作者框架组件也更新至Xposedv88-SDK25,终于完美支持Android 7.0/7.1.2。Xposed相信安卓玩家都很熟悉,这款神器级软件堪称安卓平台上的Cydia,它被誉为安卓root后最强神器!App可利用Xposed模块实现诸多功能,比如说多窗口任务、微信消息防撤回等。
Xposed for XDA 板块
2017-07-20 xposed-v87-sdk25 by BlackSoulxxx
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