WaterGEMS V8i 破解版是一款综合易用的供水管网建模软件。WaterGEMS 既可在 ArcGIS、AutoCAD 和 MicroStation 中运行,也可作为独立应用程序单独运行。WaterGEMS 为您提供了在灵活的多平台环境中运行所需的各项功能,包括消防水耗和水质模拟功能、临界点和能耗分析功能以及遗传算法优化高级功能。
Easy and Customizable
WaterGEMS is a comprehensive and easy to use water distribution modeling application. WaterGEMS can run from within ArcGIS, AutoCAD, and MicroStation, or as a stand-alone application, fulfilling the interoperability dream.
From fire flow and water quality simulations, to criticality and energy cost analysis, WaterGEMS comes equipped with everything you need in a flexible multi-platform environment.
WaterGEMS includes state-of-the-art genetic algorithm optimization and model building modules:
Model calibration – Darwin Calibrator evaluates millions of possible solutions to let users quickly find a calibration hypothesis that best matches measured flows, pressures, and on/off status. Darwin Calibrator also enables engineers to leverage flow and pressure data to find locations for detailed sonic leak detection.
Optimized design – Darwin Designer evaluates thousands of alternatives that meet users’ hydraulic requirements, recommending those that minimize capital investment.
Pump scheduling – Darwin Scheduler enables the optimization of pump operations to meet hydraulic constraints for pressure, velocity, number of pump starts, and tank levels.
Pipe assessment – Pipe Renewal Planner helps modelers optimize the replacement and rehabilitation of water mains by ranking the worst-performing pipes.
SCADA integration – SCADAConnect lets users automatically acquire supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) data in their WaterGEMS model.
Network simplification – Skelebrator automates network simplification while maintaining connectivity and hydraulic equivalence, reallocating assigned demands to your specification.
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