PEiD是一款著名的查壳工具,其功能强大,现在有软件很多都加了壳,给破解汉化带来非常大的不便,PEiD几乎可以侦测出所有的壳,其数量已超过470 种PE文档 的加壳
advanced_scan.dll AntiSPack.dll
crc32.dll Easy Screen 1.3.0.dll
eCrap.dll eCrapOepVerify.dll
EPScan.dll ExtOverlay.dll
ExtractOverlay.dll FC.DLL
FileInfo.dll FixCRC.DLL
FNE.dll frant.dll
FSG v1.33脱壳.dll GenOEP.dll
GUID.dll hh.dll
HideCapt.dll HideCapt2.dll
IDToText.DLL Imploder.DLL
ImpREC.dll kanal.dll
Morphine.DLL oepscan.dll
ohfixer_v01.dll Overlay1.0.dll
Overlay1.0汉化.dll Oversaver.dll
PackUPX.DLL Patch_Maker_0.5.0.dll
PEExtract.DLL PEiDBundle.DLL
PESniffer4PEiD.ASM PESniffer4PEiD.DLL
PlgLdr.dll PluginEx.dll
pluzina.dll pluzina1.dll
pluzina4.dll pluziny.nfo
QuickChSum.dll RebuildPE.dll
RelocRebuilder.dll s.bat
s.txt SecFix.dll
SecTool.DLL Sendspy.dll
StringViewer.dll unbero.dll
UnCDS_SS.DLL undef.dll
UnFakeNinja.DLL unfsg.dll
UnitsBrowser.dll UnPPP.DLL
UnRCrypt.DLL UnRPolyCrypt.DLL
unupx2.dll UnUPXShit.dll
UPXI.dll UPXScramb.dll
uupx.dll VerA.dll
VerA.txt xInfo.DLL
XNResourceEditor_Plugin.DLL XP.dll
YPP.DLL ypp.ini
ZDRx.dll [[-=About PEiD =-]]
PEiD now fully supports commandline parameters.
peid -time// Show statistics before quitting 显示信息
peid -r// Recurse through subdirectories 扫描子目录
peid -nr// Don't scan subdirectories even if its set 不扫描子目录
peid -hard// Scan files in Hardcore Mode 采用核心扫描模式
peid -deep// Scan files in Deep Mode 采用深度扫描模式
peid -norm// Scan files in Normal Mode 采用正常扫描模式
peid <file1> <file2> <dir1> <dir2>
You can combine one or more of the parameters.
For example.
peid -hard -time -r c:\windows\system32
peid -time -deep c:\windows\system32\*.dll
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